The MIJIA Cooking Robot is Xiaomi's newest kitchen appliance, which was unveiled in China. The appliance has up to 35 distinct cooking options and can prepare three different recipes at once. The new device appears to be a fantastic kitchen equipment with many functions and functionalities.
The smart cooking pot has a 2.2-liter capacity and a maximum heating temperature of 180°C. It includes an embedded 8-inch touchscreen that displays more than 200 recipes and instructions and can cook as little as 1g of food. It provides quick and consistent cooking all the time using 3D induction heat technology.
OTA updates will be available for the MIJIA Cooking Robot to enhance the cooking process, which is controlled by CookingIoT algorithms. Additionally, a variety of resolution speeds between 40rpm are available. and 12,000rpm for different cooking tasks. The variety of cooking options includes grinding, stir-frying, low heating, and much more.
The 10kg cooking robot may be controlled by voice commands with Xiao AI. Its dimensions are 16.3 x 12.4 x 13.5 inches, and pre-order stock in China appears to be completely gone. The MIJIA Cooking Robot is available for pre-order for 5,999 yuan ($865). It currently lacks information on its global availability and has an original price of 6,999 yuan ($1,005). The MIJIA Cooking Robot has been well received in the Chinese market, according to early response from the market.