How to watch Williams vs. Tomljanovic live online for the US Open tennis tournament from any location

Neha Roy

 Prepare for another wild ride as Serena Williams makes one more comeback against Ajla Tomljanovic. The 45-year-old Croatian-Australian, who has never won a major championship, is a potential dark horse, but playing Serena in what may be her farewell match at an ecstatic Arthur Ashe Stadium will be an assault on the senses. Continue reading to learn how to stream Williams vs. Tomljanovic wherever you are right now, including how to watch the tennis for nothing.

The boisterous support of the New York City crowd for Serena has not only given the seasoned champion confidence on the court, but has also worn down her rivals, whose victories have been greeted with silence and whose errors have been cheered to the rafters.

Williams played brilliantly against Anett Kontaveit on Wednesday, defying all odds to get thus far, but at 40 and after competing in the doubles yesterday, how much gas is left in the tank? Against Tomljanovic, who travels around the court well but struggles sometimes against strong hitters who want to keep points brief, her serve will be crucial.

She stumbled against Evgeniya Rodina during the week, dropping the first set 6-1 before regaining her poise to come back with a bang. However, in hostile environments like these, a similar sluggish start might be fatal. It ought to be a real cracker. Here's how to watch Williams vs. Tomljanovic live from everywhere in the world during the US Open 2022.

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