How to Disable Advertising Offers and Notifications on an Android Device

Neha Roy


You probably get at least a dozen notifications on your phone each day if you're like the majority of people. Marketing offers and promotions from numerous applications, including shopping apps, social media apps, delivery apps, payment apps, and more, make up a very unpleasant portion of these notifications.

Let's look at how to prevent your phone's apps from sending you commercial offers without completely disabling their app alerts. You can do this to select the notifications you wish to see while still keeping track of the news that matters to you.

How to Prevent Apps From Sending Promotional Messages

You cannot turn off marketing notifications on your phone by pressing a single universal button (we wish it was that easy). Instead, you must access each app's information page and disable particular types of notifications there.

We're using a Samsung phone; other phones' menus could seem a little different, but the processes will essentially be the same. What you must do is as follows:

Select an app where you frequently receive marketing notifications by going to Settings > Apps.

Tap Notifications > Notification categories on the app info page, then deselect all of the categories that are not relevant to you.

There is no universal naming convention to simplify this procedure, therefore keep in mind that every software names its categories differently. Therefore, you will need to go through this process again for each app that you want to disable marketing notifications for.

You can disable payments, deals, and recommendations on the Google Play Store. You can disable Product announcements and Shopping drops on Instagram. Fortunately, we know a tip that can speed up this procedure a little bit.

How to Recognize Marketing Offers from Apps Using the Notification History

You may look through your phone's notification history to determine which apps send you the most notifications (and about what). In this method, you may identify the apps that frequently send you marketing notifications.

To examine which apps give the most notifications and what kind, navigate to Settings > Notifications > Advanced settings > Notification history. Make a list of the applications that give out the most marketing messages, then disable the pertinent notification categories in the application settings.

If you can't see any notifications on your Android device, you may also try these remedies. Additionally, you should definitely erase these apps from your phone entirely if you are still receiving notifications from apps you no longer use.

On your Android phone, stay away from marketing notifications.

Even while certain notifications are vital, you can't entirely turn them off because you know that some of them can be disruptive. You may choose the alerts you wish to see thanks to notification categories, which is a blessing.

If you're like us and immediately swipe away marketing notifications, you might want to turn them off in the settings to save yourself the trouble of doing so each time.

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