How to Automate Almost Anything on Your Android Smartphone

Neha Roy

 The Android operating system's depth is quite astounding. Numerous elements can be explored, and there is a lot of room for adjustments and changes. Unfortunately, just a small amount of that is accessible to the majority of Android users.

Despite Android's seemingly limitless number of intelligent capabilities, many users are still forced to perform time-consuming, frequently repetitive chores manually rather than having a smart device handle them for them. However, things don't have to be that way. These chores can be handled by a number of Android automation apps.

Let's look at it.

What Are Android Apps for Automation?

Do you struggle to remember to turn your phone to mute while at work? What if you could programme your phone to go into silent mode as soon as you enter the office?

What if, in the event that you were tardy in responding or failed to even see the email in the first place, your phone could automatically reply to a message from your boss?

For situations like these, Android automation apps were created. They are handy little applications that let you to set up your phone to perform specified actions in response to specific circumstances. All you have to do is specify the actions you want it to take and the timing of those activities.

Want to send an SMS every three hours with your phone's location? Very likely. Need your music to start playing as soon as you plug in your earpiece? Not an issue. Do you have to lower the brightness of your display at night and raise it in the morning? Not a difficulty either.

As a general guideline, if you can complete a task using your phone, there is a high likelihood that automation apps can complete the task for you.

The Function of Android Automation Apps

The versatility of conditions and actions available in automation apps is what gives them their power. A lengthy number of granular criteria and actions are provided by the majority of automation tools, which you can combine to create automation routines.

Conditions are frequently based on device state (such as battery life or display brightness), device events (such as pushing the power or volume buttons, receiving a notification, or starting an app), place and time, and other factors.

The tasks you generally carry out manually on your Android phone are called actions. Examples include turning down the brightness of your display, turning on music, skipping an advertisement, and visiting a website.

With little to no human involvement, you can check for conditions using automation apps and respond when they are met with a set of tools.

When Are Automation Apps Necessary?

You can frequently utilise an automation tool to perform a task in place of a specific one if you can't find one. Because automation applications are so adaptable, you can get them to perform the majority of the functions that your Android phone can. It allows you the ability to make your own apps without knowing how to programme.

Additionally, if there are apps that you can't utilise due to pricey memberships or geographical limitations, you can improvise solutions using automation apps. The ability to perform many wonderful tasks with little to no human involvement, however, is what appeals to users the most about automation programmes.

The Best Android Apps for Automation

There are numerous commercial and free automation apps available to get you started on your automation journey if you'd want to try your hand at Android automation. Here are four recommendations you should give a shot:

first tasker

One of the first automation tools, Tasker is still in use today. One of the most potent automation apps available is this one as well. You can automate anything using Tasker, including sending emails, downloading files, and backing up crucial files. The advantage that Tasker has over other automation programmes is its extensibility via third-party plugins.

Additionally, Tasker includes an App Factory function that allows you to bundle and export your great automation projects as independent apps that anyone may install even if they don't own Tasker.

Advantages Relatively bug-free and stable

thousands of more features when using plugins

the capacity to develop standalone, shareable apps

support from an active internet community


incline learning curve

only accessible through a premium app

The use of UX/UI design can occasionally be complicated.

Get Tasker ($3.49) now.


One of the most well-known powerhouses in the Android automation industry is IFTTT. IFTTT is not constrained by the capabilities of the Android OS, unlike the majority of automation apps. IFTTT can communicate with your smart thermostat, smart lighting, and even let you know when the International Space Station will pass over your house.

The app doesn't require you to be a computer whiz to utilise it. There is a very good probability that someone has previously released a comparable automation routine, known as a "applet" in IFTTT jargon. However, you can build your own automation procedure. All you would need to do is look for it, plug it in, and start using it.


Various applets are available.

a sizable internet support group

possibilities for cross-platform automation


an expensive subscription model

incline learning curve

Obtain IFTTT (Free, in-app purchases available)

MacroDroid 3.

MacroDroid is arguably the most popular Android-specific automation tool available today, behind Tasker. In terms of features and method of operation, it is comparable to Tasker quite a bit. However, MacroDroid is more user-friendly and intuitive.

Automation routines created by other MacroDroid users can be imported and used. These are referred to as "macros" in MacroDroid jargon. The app's design allows for third-party plugins, which opens up many possibilities for expanding its already vast functionality.

the ease of use

a fully functional free version

amiable subscription structure


Issues with stability while transferring macros between various Android versions

Your phone must be rooted in order to use a tonne of cool features.

Install MacroDroid (Free, in-app purchases available)

Four. Automate

Automate is the app to use if you need one that can flawlessly automate a variety of simple Android operations. Although the app can handle a sizable number of difficult automation tasks, it falls short when compared to powerhouses like IFTTT and Tasker.

Automate still has a tonne of strong features, despite not being the best for sophisticated automation. You still have thousands of automation routines to construct with the hundreds of actions and conditions available (known as "flows" in the app).

Advantages Flowcharts are used to represent automation operations, making them simple to grasp.

a fully functional free version


Automating complex systems can be challenging.

Issues with stability between Android versions

Obtain: Automate (Free, in-app purchases available)

Android automation apps: Are they secure?

A few dubious automation apps occasionally surface on the Play Store and unofficial download pages. Although some of these apps do what they claim to do, many of them might seriously harm your Android phone due to the permissions you must provide them.

These apps could abuse this access to sabotage the functionality of your phone. They have the ability to read your SMS, make calls for you, tweet on your behalf, and carry out any of the hundreds of automated tasks you would anticipate an automation tool to complete.

However, with reliable automation programmes, these dangers are not a problem. You should be secure as long as you stick with well-known automation programmes that have probably undergone multiple Play Store reviews.

Breaking important phone settings is the only significant danger associated with legitimate automation apps. You might not be able to go back and undo the automated operations to restore those settings to their original state. This is why it is crucial to only experiment with smartphone features you are familiar with.

Your Android Experience Will Be Enhanced

Automation apps can assist you in enhancing your Android experience and enhancing the intelligence of your smartphone. Why spend time doing things that your smartphone can do for you for free?

Check out our introduction to Tasker, the most advanced automation programme, if you're ready to get started.

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