renowned messaging service Tc Pavel Durov, the company's CEO, turned to his Telegram channel to criticise Apple for using a convoluted approval procedure that prevents them from releasing a new version that would alter how individuals access themselves in chat. The update has been stalled in Apple's approval process for two weeks, he added.
"The only thing that we find discouraging is that the mysterious'review procedure' imposed on all mobile apps by the tech monopolies prevents us from frequently distributing the new versions of Telegram. For instance, Apple's'review' of our upcoming update, which will revolutionise how people express themselves in messaging, has been stalled for two weeks without any justification or input from Apple. Durov noted in his Telegram channel.
Durov further criticized Apple saying that if one of the top ten apps was treated this way by Apple, how will other smaller app developers survive?
Not only is it discouraging, but it also directly costs hundreds of thousands of mobile apps worldwide money. This harm is in addition to the 30% fee that Apple and Google charge app developers, which, in their perspective, is intended to cover the costs of the personnel required for app reviews, Durov continued.
Telegram launched paid subscriptions for users earlier in June. A number of intriguing enhancements were included in the new update, including quadrupled restrictions, 4 GB file uploads, faster downloads, special stickers and reactions, better chat management, and many more. Additionally, Telegram will permit some premium capabilities for free to non-paid users.
Non-premium users of Telegram can upload files up to 2GB in size. Nevertheless, after the introduction of the premium subscription plan,users can now send up to 4 GB files enough space for 4 hours of 1080p video, or 18 days of high-quality audio. The extra large documents can be downloaded by both premium and non-premium users.