Last month, rumours began to circulate on the internet thatTelegram was planning to launch a paid tier, and today, the company's founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, confirmed that this is indeed the case.
Telegram Premium, as it will be called, will be available by the end of the month. Before you get too worked up, keep in mind that all of the current free features will continue to be available. Not only that, but new features will be added to the free tier in the future.
Telegram Premium will give "anyone" access to "additional features, speed, and resources," according to Durov. It will also "allow users to show their support for Telegram by joining the club that gets new features first." Even users who do not pay for Telegram Premium will be able to benefit indirectly from some of its features, such as viewing extra-large documents, media, and stickers sent by Premium users, or tapping to add Premium reactions already pinned to a message to react in the same way.
Durov concludes his announcement, which he dutifully posted on Telegram, by revealing that the company's ad experiments in public channels have proven to be more successful than expected, but that despite this, he believes the service should be primarily funded by its users.